Zemi Interactive Apps

4Story M: Flying Dragon Arrows 1.0
Move from left to right and shoot down yourenemy while you can.Pull your bow by pressing and take your thumb off to fire.Maintain your pull for some time for a stronger shot.For a more effective shot, however, you may want to take your thumboff mid way through.For a stage based game like ours, managing your time isessential.You maybe required to slay certain amount of monsters for a limitedtime.Or you may be required to survive for a limited time.But watch out! Certain amount of misses may lead you tofailure!A hint! Suicide bombers are not considered a miss even if you missthem. So try avoiding them if possible.Also try our Turn based PvP while riding your dragon.Dragons will hatch at level 5.Ride your dragon and shoot down your opponent while your opponentmoves automatically from left to right. Predict your opponent'smove and win your trophy.Choose when to avoid skill attack when defending: Beginning?Middle? Or end?Upgrading is free until upgrade level 7.There are tons of premium currencies given for doing somethingfor the first time. ex) Facebook posting, upgrading, reachingcertain level, completing chapters and so on.Lottery can be done when you finish each stage. Shuffle youritems and go for a spin. If you are lucky, you will get valuableitems. You can also instantly buy items of your choice if you don'twant to do the lottery. In 4Story M: Flying Dragon Arrows, thereare no shops. Lottery will be the only place to buy your gears.If you want to buy more arrows and Odins though, you may do soby clicking on the top arrow and crystal icons.And finally, you can upgrade your accessories to increase damageto your skills.4STORY M: FLYING DRAGON ARROWS FEATURES:RUSH YOUR HERO INTO EXTRA MISSIONS FROM THE DARK ANDDIFFICULTIn between mission will give you extra missions.These missions will give you extra loots and items to prepare youfor the next stage.LOTTERY!At the end of each mission, there will be lottery chances.With 6 chances, you will get the chance to earn yourself some goodequipment, game money or arrows (ticket to enter the game).ACHIEVEMENT SYSTEMSRush your hero through the daily quest or achievement system togain valuable Odins.Odin is a premium currency for you to use to power up yourHero.DODGE GAME!Dodge the flying arrows. Hone your dodging skills. It's not DodgeBall! It's Dodge Game! In archer stlye!Use your skills while dodging your enemies!INNOVATIVE SKILL-AIMING CONTROLSPull, hold and shoot! Just like a real arrow, feel the pullingsensation with innovative skill-aiming controls.UPGRADE YOUR GEARS FOR MAXIMUM DAMAGETune your long bow!Something to collect and grow to the finest value.HEAVENLY WORLD DETOURTravel around the virtual world of 4STORY M: FLYING DRAGON ARROWSand feel the magnificence in various stages.SPECIAL JUST FOR YOUComplete your style via specially manufactured costumes.4STORY M: FLYING DRAGON ARROWS brings role playing games, long bowaction style hunt and real time Dragon War strategy PvP together inintense defense style battles. 4STORY M: FLYING DRAGON ARROWS isfree to download; get it today and rush into battle!
ARCHER KING For Kakao 1.0
Move from left to right and shoot down yourenemy while you can.Pull your bow by pressing and take your thumb off to fire.Maintain your pull for some time for a stronger shot.For a more effective shot, however, you may want to take your thumboff mid way through.For a stage based game like ours, managing your time isessential.You maybe required to slay certain amount of monsters for a limitedtime.Or you may be required to survive for a limited time.But watch out! Certain amount of misses may lead you tofailure!A hint! Suicide bombers are not considered a miss even if you missthem. So try avoiding them if possible.Also try our Turn based PvP while riding your dragon.Dragons will hatch at level 5.Ride your dragon and shoot down your opponent while your opponentmoves automatically from left to right. Predict your opponent'smove and win your trophy.Choose when to avoid skill attack when defending: Beginning?Middle? Or end?Upgrading is free until upgrade level 7.There are tons of premium currencies given for doing somethingfor the first time. ex) upgrading, reaching certain level,completing chapters and so on.Lottery can be done when you finish each stage. Shuffle youritems and go for a spin. If you are lucky, you will get valuableitems. You can also instantly buy items of your choice if you don'twant to do the lottery. In ARCHER KING For Kakao, there are noshops. Lottery will be the only place to buy your gears.If you want to buy more arrows and Odins though, you may do soby clicking on the top arrow and crystal icons.And finally, you can upgrade your accessories to increase damageto your skills.ARCHER KING For Kakao FEATURES:RUSH YOUR HERO INTO EXTRA MISSIONS FROM THE DARK ANDDIFFICULTIn between mission will give you extra missions.These missions will give you extra loots and items to prepare youfor the next stage.LOTTERY!At the end of each mission, there will be lottery chances.With 6 chances, you will get the chance to earn yourself some goodequipment, game money or arrows (ticket to enter the game).ACHIEVEMENT SYSTEMSRush your hero through the daily quest or achievement system togain valuable Odins.Odin is a premium currency for you to use to power up yourHero.DODGE GAME!Dodge the flying arrows. Hone your dodging skills. It's not DodgeBall! It's Dodge Game! In archer stlye!Use your skills while dodging your enemies!INNOVATIVE SKILL-AIMING CONTROLSPull, hold and shoot! Just like a real arrow, feel the pullingsensation with innovative skill-aiming controls.UPGRADE YOUR GEARS FOR MAXIMUM DAMAGETune your long bow!Something to collect and grow to the finest value.HEAVENLY WORLD DETOURTravel around the virtual world of ARCHER KING For Kakao and feelthe magnificence in various stages.SPECIAL JUST FOR YOUComplete your style via specially manufactured costumes.ARCHER KING For Kakao brings role playing games, long bow actionstyle hunt and real time Dragon War strategy PvP together inintense defense style battles. ARCHER KING For Kakao is free todownload; get it today and rush into battle!
무한의 활 for Kakao 1.12
전장에서 자신이 죽은 줄로만 알았던 주인공은 자신을 부르는 목소리에 눈을 뜬다.그녀의 눈 앞에 나타난 발키리 '프레이아'로 부터 자신이 '오딘'에게 선택받은 전사가 되어 다시 깨어났음을 알게되고최후의 전쟁 '라그나로크'에 대비하라는 임무를 받게 된다. 선택받은 전사들의 세계 '발할라'에서 그녀는 최고의명사수로성장해나가는데..회피 & 공격 - 적들의 공격을 피하고 몬스터를 사냥하세요.약점 공략 - 최고의 명사수가 되어 상대의 약점에 치명타를 날리세요.스킬의 조합 - 다양한 스킬의 장신구를 조합하여 나만의 스킬 구성을 완성하세요.아이템의 성장 - 다양한 활과 방어구를 모아 최고의 장비로 성장시키세요.다양한 스테이지 - 점점 더 강해지는 몬스터를 상대로 자신의 컨트롤을 도전하세요거대 몬스터 공략 - 레이드 던전에서 보다 강력하고 거대한 몬스터를 공략하세요.친구와의 협력 플레이 - 친구와 함께 막강한 적에게 도전하세요.스페셜 코스튬 제작 - 사냥을 통해 얻은 재료를 조합하여 스페셜 코스튬을 만드세요.----개발자 연락처 :http://www.zemiinc.co.kr827075887074"Game Overview>Only knew their dead on the battlefield hero in their wakeavoice call.Valkyrie appeared before her eyes, "Frazier ah 'from their'Odin'chosen warriors to awake again taken place in the last war toknowand' Ragnarok 'mission will be asked to prepare. Thechosenwarriors of the world 'Valhalla' grown up as she goes out thebestsharpshooter.Evasion and attack - to avoid the enemy's attack on themonsterhunting.Targeting weaknesses - weaknesses in the opponent'sbestsharpshooter, has been critical to me, please.The combination of skills - a combination of various skills andputornaments to complete the configuration of your skills.Growth of the item - the bow and armor to collect a varietyofgrowth-to the best equipment.Various stages - against increasingly stronger monsters tochallengeyour own controlGiant monsters attack - Raid dungeons and more powerful attackonthe giant monster.Cooperative play with friends - Challenge your friends withpowerfulenemies.Special costume made - material obtained through a combinationofhunting to personalize this special costume.
트라비아 리턴즈 1.123
▶ 창조자의 표식 나에게 새겨진 창조자의 표식을 시작으로 모든 신들의 표식을 완성하여 신들의 영혼을 해방하자. 그 대가로신들의 강력한 힘을 얻게 될 것이다!! ▶ 토벌 그리고 실시간 용병/지휘관 시스템 수 십명의 영웅으로 구성된 실시간 용병부대를 지휘하여 적들을 섬멸한다!! 실시간 용병이 되어 자신의 가치를 증명하라!! ▶ 실시간 대난투 매일 벌어지는 실시간대난투에서 나의 힘을 증명한다!! 강하다고 생각하는 자 누구라도 도전하라!! ▶ 실시간 길드 약탈전 매일 벌어지는 실시간길드 약탈전에서 동료들과 영광을 함께하라!! 내가 이 땅의 주인이 된다!! ▶ 기타 공식카페에 방문하시면 보다 자세한내용과 정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다. 공식카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/traviareturns[필수권한] 접근 권한 요청 항목: 저장소 : PLUG 카페 플러그 인을 통한 동영상 및 스크린 캡쳐 이미지 저장 및게임 구동 시 생성되는 사용자 데이터의 저장. 마이크 : PLUG 카페 플러그 인을 통한 커뮤니티 활동에 사용. 전화 :PLUG 카페 플러그 인을 통한 커뮤니티 활동에 사용. (주)ZEMI INTERACTIVE는 위의 접근 권한으로 접근한어떠한 개인정보도 수집하거나 네트워크를 통해 전송하지 않습니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : 서울특별시 서초구 서초동1330-3 엔데버빌딩 7층 (우:06626)
Travia Returns 1.76
Travia Returns is an MMORPG mobile game whichfocuses on feudal warfare.[Game Characteristics]▶ ExploreIn order to participate in the war, you will need to play a singlemode game and level up. This is done on Explore mode.Explore mode consists of 24 chapters. Each chapter consists of 12stages. You can level up, gather gold and acquire gears to eitherequip or sacrifice them to enhance your equipped gears.▶▶ EnhanceYou can enhance up to level 20. After that, you will have toupgrade to reach the next grade. Grade consists ofTier.1~Tier.8.▶▶ UpgradeOnce you reach the maximum enhancement level 20, you will have toupgrade your gear. You will need Elemental Stones to do so.▶▶ FusionAnother way of upgrading would be fusion. You will need two samegrade level 20 gears to do so. The elements and the options will bereadjusted randomly by doing so.▶▶ Option ModificationThis is a new system that's been added recently. You can changeyour gear's option by doing so.▶ ConquestAs you play along Explore, you will probably fall short of Gold.You can either Auto Repeat the same stage over and over again inExplore mode or join the open field Conquest mode.In Conquest mode, you can play with other players. You won't beable to party up or fight them, but you will be able to see themand talk to them. You probably want to take a spot and Fix yourselfthere and set it to auto hunt. Your character will then claim allthe Gold you will ever need.▶ BattlegroundThere are other MMO zones besides Conquest mode. One of them is theBattleground where you can PvE and PvP at the same time.The Battle Ground produces lots and lots of Gold compared toExplore or Conquest. But you will be facing other players, so itwill be a dangerous place to simply auto hunt. Once you enterBattleground, you will either be placed in red or blue team. Yourgoal is of course to acquire as much Gold as possible. Have strongteam mate is definitely a plus here.▶ ArenaPotions in Travia Returns are a valuable component since it willautomatically heal. This potion can be earned in the Arena. Youwill get one HP potions if you lose, but will get more if you win.So trying the Arena is always a plus.▶ Feudal warIf you think you are strong enough and ready for the next step,then join a guild and participate in the feudal war which is aterritory war. Fief Occupation War happens during weekdays. PlunderWars happens during the weekends.Feudal war will progress every day from (00:00 ~ 20:00; 21:00 ~24:00). You will need feudal war enter key to join the feudal war.(If you have used all the keys, you can use Gems to enter.)There are 9 Fiefs to conquer.▶ Plunder warPlunder will occur every day from 20:00 ~ 21:00.Plunder is a real time warfare where you can steal Feudal Pointsfrom other guilds.The guild that has the highest remaining point in that Fief willwin the Feudal War.To proceed with Plunder, you will need Feudal war enter key. (Youcan use Gems to enter as well. You will not consume any key whendefending.)The battle will occur in real time and end when you have destroyedthe opponent’s guild core.You will leave the room when you die. You will have to eitherconsume your key or your gem to enter again.Please visit our official cafe for more information.Official Cafe : www.plug.game/traviareturns